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19:08:57 13/03/2002
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Re: 80 лет в тесто (на мотивы Галковского), отправлено
18:04:39 13/03/2002
Well, thank you fr your interest. I actually tried to put it on Conservator, but it looks like this text overcome their limits of freedom of press. They said they will publish anyrthing which is not skuchno, seems like this paper was «skuchno». Or may be there is a way to put the text without predvaritelnoy tsenzuri? I am famous for my computer knowelege. As to BK I am done with him. Russkie dnevniki I am not sure what you are talking about, but I agree if you would put it their. I totaly rely on you. JuJu I enjoy yours tremenoously (esprcially joke about mylo and pravoslavnie), but I have no time to contribute. Grachevskiy steb on Galkovskiy. Thank you again for your interest. > Любопытно. Не понял только, о чем это: >>... через 80 появится новый Грачевский > > Не хотите поместить текст у «Консерваторов»? На Норге? Или с БК вы поссорились окончательно? > А может амнистировать Брата Карамазова, тем более он ник сменил... > Или заведите себе ЖЖ. Попросим включить в «Русские дневники». А?
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